Saturday, December 27, 2008

Merry Christmas!

The Blackmon's wish you and yours a wonderful Christmas.

Nana, Papa & Baker Blackmon

Elmo was a big hit with Baker

Baker wasn't sure what to do with all the presents.

Nicole and Brad helped him get started

Baker loved climbing under the tree as the gifts were opened

He lay under the tree and pointed to the lights with Nana.

A perfect ending to a great day.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

A Blackmon Christmas Eve Tradition:

For our family, on Christmas eve we gather together to read the biblical telling of the first Christmas and then we read "The Night Before Christmas"

This was Andy's first year to read the Christmas Story from the book of Luke at the family gathering.

As you can see, it was most inspiring because Baker was "taking notes"!

As the newest daddy, Brad read "The Night Before Christmas" to Baker

Our Resident Christmas Elf

Cheerios - the pause that refreshes!

Santa, I promise that I have been good.

Baker's favorite gym - under the dinning room table

Dec. 24 - Baker's 11th month Birthday Party

Since Patty and I will not be able to be at Baker's first birthday , we asked Brad and Nicole if it would be OK to celebrate on his 11th month.

Blueberry muffins served as his birthday cake.

Muppet babies first birthday was the theme of the day.

Baker's gift was a Leap Frog Refrigerator Barnyard set.
Dec. 23 . . . at Nana's & Papa's

Monday, December 22, 2008

A Day in the life of Baker Blackmon

Bath time (with Nana & Papa) - Dec. 22, 08

Brad and Nicole went on a date, so Nana and Papa Blackmon got to baby sit! Part of our duties was bathing Baker (and what a joy!).

A Visit with Great Grandparents Knowles

Today (Dec. 22) Baker had another visit to his Great Grandparents home. Great Grand Mamaw Knowles is 82 this year and she was really enjoying this huggy time with Baker (who turns 11 months on Dec. 24, 08)

Great Grand Papaw Knowles turns 87 on Jan. 04, 09. He calls Baker "that little boy". He told us, "that little boy likes me!"