Saturday, January 31, 2009

A Week in Bath with a sidetrip to Oxford (C.S. Lewis tour)

Meeting with the Mayor of Bath (L-R- Anna Perry; Mayor; Sarah Anderson & Tessa Walt

Our whole group got to meet in the Mayor's chambers with the Mayor and his wife. I am in the back row to the left of the painting!

A Picture of Chepstow Castle in Wales.

Dr. Stephen Bird with Anna Rich and Jeff Creely inside Chepstow Castle.
Dr. Bird lecturing in Tintern Abbey in Wales. It was a Catholic Monastery which was closed by Henry VIII when he changed England from Catholic to Protestant.

Me (Andy) in the Center of the Chapel at Tintern Abbey.

Our group (minus me - I took the picture) at Tintern Abbey.

Outside the Cloisters at Wells Cathedral.

Andy outside Wells Cathedral.

Dr. Bird lecturing outside Wells Cathedral.

Swans in the moat at Wells Cathedral
In Oxford . . . for our C.S. Lewis Tour

Our guide tells us about Keeble College (where Lewis studied while also preparing to fight in WWII.)

Adam Gearhart standing by a dinosaur footprint at the college of science in Oxford.

The Bridge of Sighs in Oxford.

Our group with guide outside the Camera building at Oxford University. (Watch "The Saint" movie for a great view of this round building!)

A Trip to the American Cemetery in Cambridge

This is the graveyard for Americans who were killed in the battles of World War II.
The land was given to the USA by Cambridge University - so technically this is American soil in England.

Our guide Janet Jaecock, instructed us about the facts of war during the 1940's.

A cross section shows the graves of our service men and women from WWII.

A Day at Ely Cathedral (tours and an evening worship service)

Students listened to Janet Jaecock as she told us about the cathedral's history.

Can you see the man behind the leaves? This is known as the "Green Man". He is found in most Medieval Cathedrals. He is a pagan god. The carvers seemed to want to hedge their bets - if God didn't help them , maybe the "green man" would.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Leaving for England & the First Day in Cambridge

Today turned out a lot different than Patty and I had anticipated. At 7 AM, we received a phone call that her dad was being taken to the hospital. Papaw Knowles had developed a urinal track infection and this would result in Patty having to stay back in Cleveland as I left with the students to begin "Semester in Europe 09".
Tessa Walt, Beth Thompson & Brittany Wesson (Our Sigma ladies) on the coach to the Atlanta airport.

Adam Gearhart and David Cowart (with large smiles)

The sign says it all - "On Time".

Jon Bishop, Jeff Creely & Sarah Anderson (?) waiting in the Bristish Air lounge.

Andrea Gilbert - doing some last minute emails.

Anna Rich and Jon Garret sharing "pre-boarding" expectations!

Stephanie Lewis - chatting on the phone

Our group gathered in the Annex of the Hamilton Hotel to wait Andy Sinclair's instructions for the "First Day".

Andy starts with passing out the bike locks.

Andy then proceeds to give the group Biking rules and regulations whilst in Cambridge.

This day was not your typical English day in January (sunny, blue skies and 44F)

After the instructions, the rest of the day was "getting acquainted with Cambridge" by bike.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Semester in Europe 2009 - in Cleveland

Semester in Cambridge 2009 Students:

{Left Back} David Cowart; Adam Gearhart; Jeff Creeley; Jon Garrett; Tessa Walt; Sarah Anderson; Andrea Gilbert; Anna Perry; Ashley Jackson; Nick Pemberton; Amber Moore
{Left Front} Britt Murray; Juliane Kauffman; Emilyn Meeks; Anna Rich; Ashley Barendse; Tiffany Buckler; Melanie Williams; Prof Andy Blackmon and Brittany Wesson
From Jan. 8 until Jan. 16, the SIE 09 group met each day from 8:45 - 3 PM for classes. Research for Papers was done at night and weekends.
- British History 8:45 - 10:00
- C.S. Lewis 10:00 - 11:30
- Bristish Lit. 1:30 - 3:00

Dr. Gary Riggins - teaching us how we are all unique in God's sight!

Students making "Name Plaques" to introduce their new friends

Adam Gearhart meets Melanie Williams

Jeff Creeley meets Sarah Anderson (back) and Jessica Lewis(front)

Dr. Bob Barnett lectures on British History

Students involved in thier history class (each morning from 8:45 - 10 AM)

We were given a "living Lecture" of Anglican worship by Father Mitch Baker.

Father Mitch Baker administered the Lord's Supper to our class