Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Leaving for England & the First Day in Cambridge

Today turned out a lot different than Patty and I had anticipated. At 7 AM, we received a phone call that her dad was being taken to the hospital. Papaw Knowles had developed a urinal track infection and this would result in Patty having to stay back in Cleveland as I left with the students to begin "Semester in Europe 09".
Tessa Walt, Beth Thompson & Brittany Wesson (Our Sigma ladies) on the coach to the Atlanta airport.

Adam Gearhart and David Cowart (with large smiles)

The sign says it all - "On Time".

Jon Bishop, Jeff Creely & Sarah Anderson (?) waiting in the Bristish Air lounge.

Andrea Gilbert - doing some last minute emails.

Anna Rich and Jon Garret sharing "pre-boarding" expectations!

Stephanie Lewis - chatting on the phone

Our group gathered in the Annex of the Hamilton Hotel to wait Andy Sinclair's instructions for the "First Day".

Andy starts with passing out the bike locks.

Andy then proceeds to give the group Biking rules and regulations whilst in Cambridge.

This day was not your typical English day in January (sunny, blue skies and 44F)

After the instructions, the rest of the day was "getting acquainted with Cambridge" by bike.


Jennifer said...

i'm so sorry to hear that patty's dad isn't doing well!!

have fun in cambridge! keep us updated!

i'm so jealous! :)

The Blackmons said...

Love you Andy! You're such a champ and I hope you're enjoying your time so far! Love you both!